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Hello all beautiful Dogs!SAT, MAY 5, 12Additional Considerations Dogs coming from a country other than those on the list of countries declared free of footandmouth disease (FMD) need to have their fur and bedding free of excessive dirt or natural bedding such as hay or straw The pet should be bathed as soon as it reaches its destination and should be kept separate from all livestock for 5 days after entry into



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This means God sees you as His masterpiece Like a beautiful poem, He has put great thought into the rhyme and rhythm of your life Think about that for a moment As God's work of art, He put more thought into your creation than Michelangelo putEphesians is full of verses like that, but I want to focus on this one right now It says, literally, "For we are His masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, in order that we should walk in them" 1This Christian inspired design says "You are God's Masterpiece" and is inspired by Ephesians 210 which reads "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" This Christian quote is written in graffiti type font overlaying a horizontal faux hand painted texture that has a pink background with aqua, yellow, blue

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